[Digiview #6] An interview with ethernetmind

For this edition of digiview I had to pleasure to sit down with a good friend of mine, ethernetmind, ethernet is an  experimental artist that dabbles in many different types of music. 

What genre would you classify your music in?

hmm... that's a really tough question. I condense many different elements from a variety of styles and blend/mutate them in unique ways. people have described it as "slushtech" and "witch tech cyber slush" but it's essentially occult post-vaporwave plunderphonics. I use the term #NUFLSH which entails all of the above and more.

That sounds like a very unique way to describe it

Yeah, I'm trying to not be easily pinned down.

I can relate to that, I know you always push boundaries when it comes to genres.

What type of music did you enjoy growing up?

I went through every phase pretty much... first music I ever got into was hip-hop as a child. then I got into punk, hardcore, thrash, grindcore, etc. as a teenager. during my punk phase I got introduced to sunn O))) which in turn led me to the OGs of drone la monte young, Tony Conrad, Terry Riley, Angus malaise (aka the theater of eternal music) which heavily influenced me. I discovered a lightning bolt shortly after and that was that. been a part of the experimental scene ever since!

Hip hop was one of the first types of music I enjoyed too when I was younger, really neat to see our sounds evolve from that time!

Yeah, that might also explain our reason for sampling. it's embedded in us from our childhoods.

Oh definitely man

Are there any artists you're working with at the moment that you'd like to share?

Yeah, I've got a duo collab with waavy panda under the name TWISTΞD MΞNTΛL, we have one album so far which will be on tape pretty soon. aside from that, of course, my collab with you and BOSEBY as ᴸᵘⁿᵃʳ≜ᴾʸʳᵃᵐⁱᵈˢ which we're working on. aside from that, I'm working on my debut duo collab album with BOSEBY under the name GLYPH𓊀GANG and an unnamed duo collab with eternity devil. people also need to keep an eye out for my collective New Flesh Ltd. we'll be dropping some amazing stuff soon. And may or may not involve all of the above people...

That's amazing, you're putting a lot of work into your craft. Looking forward to checking out those projects

Thank you, I appreciate your support immensely!

You're welcome, man!

Have you ever played at a live show?

Not in over a decade but yeah, I've played tons of experimental shows in my day. haven't played a show in about 10 years or so. there has yet to be an ∆ΣTHΣR░विज्ञान live set, unfortunately. Played in many strange places as well... those were the best.

Very cool, hope you get a gig in the future. Would love to see a live performance by you!

Yeah, it would be wonderful. eventually, it will happen! just kind of hard when you're stranded on a mountain with nothing around you.

To anyone that doesn't know,  which type of gear do you use to produce with?

Unlike most producers in this scene, I don't use a traditional DAW. I use DJ software and a controller so everything I make is live and improvised. This stems from my obsession with DJ screw and experimental music... I realized I could use a turntable as an instrument. I can't compose since my music has always been rooted in improvised experimentation.

That's a very cool approach to making music, I know most of vaporwave is heavily influenced by DJ screw techniques

I also try to balance order and disorder...

Oh, no doubt. unfortunately, I don't think the majority of the scene even knows who he is... I notice that most vaporwave are not chopped up at all. I guess maybe that's why I chop up everything I make.

I like how you incorporate that style, it always turns out very well.

thank you! I try to make my music as different and unpredictable as possible.

I enjoyed the duo you and waavypanda formed recently titled TWISTΞD MΞNTΛL, how was it like working on that project with him?

He's a great person to work with! Also, a very good friend and it just works so naturally. he sent me a bunch of material he put together and I just mixed it live with different samples. it was a very organic process for sure. expect more soon...

Nice! It's gonna be a pleasure hearing more from you two

Yeah, that album will be out on tape within the next few months. also doing a split tape with the noise artist carrion. after that, we'll work on our 2nd full-length.

Do you have any pets?

Of course. I have 2 cats, 2 dogs, and 1 rabbit!

Awesome! I love cats have one of them myself, my mom has a toy dog, and surprising they get along well lol

I bet that's cute as hell. My cats don't interact with my dogs.

Do you prefer cassette or Vinyl?

I've only ever released cassettes, CDs, and a VHS but I've always dreamed of releasing on vinyl!

I feel that! I want my music on VHS one day

I would love to see that.

One final question I like to ask everyone I interview

If you were stranded on an island which 3 music-related items would you take with you?

It'd have to be a computer, my DJ controller, and speakers. but that may not be practical as I probably wouldn't have electricity! 


Thanks for taking the time and chatting with me for this interview!

Thank you and shoutout to everyone else in New Flesh Ltd. LONG LIVE THE NEW FLESH!

Connect with ethernetmind

Listen to ethernetmind music



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