[Digiview #5] An interview with Gamor Vapor

For this edition of digivew, I had the pleasure to interview a very talented artist named "Gamor Vapor" Gamor is a vaporwave artist from Pennsylvania, his music is unique. He's also an up and comer in the underground scene as well as a very kind person.

Which DAW do you use?

I mainly use Logic Pro X -- my tried and true. I've been using it for years (and GarageBand before that)! Though, I have dabbled in some other DAWs to make some music. I know I used Ableton Live to create some of my newer ambient tunes "Solitary Journey" and "Memory Lane" -- it's crazy how using a different DAW can completely change your sound!

I agree! It's always good to experiment with different types of software

I know your music has a mix of genres, what artists have inspired you to experiment with different sounds?

:D yes, something I love to do very much! & honestly, there are so many!!! Hahaha. If I had to keep it on a small list, the top 5 artists that immediately come to my mind are George Clanton, Blank Banshee, Poppy, Negative Gemini, and Windows96.  Hearing some of the songs they've made at first listen (and still now)... endlessly inspire me to keep experimenting.

Are you working on any new projects at the moment?

Yes!!! I have a lot planned for 2022 so far. I want to get some physicals out into the world, as well as experiment with visuals a lot more. Musically in 2022, you will see fewer projects than you saw from me in 2021...but, a new album is in the works. It will sound different than my past works, but it is my favorite for sure and it shows my true sound at the moment. I'm very excited about it and for people to hear it :D

Looking forward to it man!  

Thank you, can't wait for you to hear it.

I know vaporwave has been around for a while now, what drew you into the vaporwave scene?

A couple of old friends of mine and I were having a conversation about experimental music in the summer of 2014, and that's when they brought up Vaporwave. I knew nothing about it but thought it sounded so cool but so weird. They showed me Floral Shoppe, and Blank Banshee 0 and 1. I was blown away. As funny as it might sound, my life kinda changed forever once they showed me this genre. I never stopped thinking about it -- the sonics, the visuals, the community of people listening to the music. It felt like finally discovering something that I've been searching for years for.

That's such a cool story about how you discovered vaporwave, your love for it shines in your music.

Aw, thank you so much, that seriously means a lot.

Your other project "Yanni Dalaperas" is amazing, it has a very emotional vibe. How long have you been a vocalist?

Thank you so much!! I hope to bring so much more music with vocals in the future. I have been singing for almost 10 years now -- I started in my freshman year of high school when my friend convinced me to join the choir with her. I love to sing so much, I hope to incorporate it somehow in all of my projects someday

Do you have a favorite Nintendo switch game?

Oh hell yeah! I love the switch so much... so many bangers to choose from. lately, I've been playing the new Pokémon diamond remake and it has got me glued, definitely a new favorite of mine! I will sit down to play for a minute and the hours will just go by unknowingly

I've been eyeing the remake, really enjoyed the OG on the ds back in the day

Me too man, the OGs were so much fun! & I recommend you get them if you played the OGs -- being able to play it on the TV and hear the music done now by an orchestra is insane! The game comes to life. It's so cool

What's your favorite place in Philly to grab a Philly cheesesteak?

Hahaha, I’m vegetarian!! (I know that may be shocking to some..it is to my family at least, because we are Greek) So I wouldn’t for sure…but I hear Ishkabibble’s is fantastic 

Haha I didn't know man 

Hahahaha it’s no problem everybody is always shocked when they find out! Because all of my family and friends are not vegetarian

One final question I ask everyone I interview

If you were stranded on an island which 3 music-related items would you take with you?

Hmmm…my laptop (does that count? Since it has my DAW), a loop station, and hmm…a MIDI keyboard 

Great choices!

Thanks for doing this interview

Thank you so much for your time and for allowing me to do this ❤️ it was a lot of fun!!

Connect with Gamor Vapor here

Listen to his music here



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