[Single Saturday #10] KOJI The Planet Stoned Plus- KEMURI The Planet Ashes


 For this weeks single we have an alternative rock track by the band "Koji The Planet Stoned Plus" titled "KEMURI the Planet Ashes"

As the track begins you're greeted with a funky baseline, then the drums start to come in. You can tell right away there produced with an OG mpc, there sequenced and quantized with the instrumental very well. I love the style of koji vocals, there very mellow and calming to the ears. This track is very psychedelic it's one of those songs you would sit back and smoke to, as the band name suggest. If they played this track live I feel like everyone at a venue would be in a trance, while listening I couldn't help but nod to the rhythm.  Planet ashes is a very unique song and this band never disappoints with what they release, don't just take my word for it give koji a listen for yourself. You will be mesmerized

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