[Single Saturday #20] THICKLY FAINTED WALLS- gaze new shoe

Hey everyone! For this week's single Saturday we bring you a track by a good friend of mine THICKLY FAINTED WALLS titled "gaze new shoe" from his album "newer digital 2020" which he released a few years back.

From the beginning of the track I was consumed by the heavy ambient sound texture, I could hear loads of different sounds rushing over me. The feeling was like being underwater swimming in an endless cavern with no place to escape insight gave new shoe is very psychedelic but also has a hint of noise that thickly painted walls are known for, in the background of the track you will hear drums that have a mellow downtempo sound to them which indeed made it very pleasing to the ears. There are shoegaze influences present in "gaze new shoe" as the name suggests just by the use of effects such as the use of reverb that gives it that wave of dreamy sort of feeling, a bit of distortion to give it that noise-pop vibe, as well as everything in between.  The sounds you hear on "gaze new shoe" are unique and I enjoyed every minute of my listening experience. Everyone reading this should give this single a listen if you want something to get lost in.

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