[Single Saturday #5] ZMS- D r I n k - アイスコールドコークス

ZMS is back again with a dope single, this time he brings us a new vaporware track titled "D r I n k - アイスコールドコークス"

At the beginning of the track, you're greeted with a funky rhythm, then the dreamy vocals come in. The effects on the vocals are stunning and give the track a special ambient type of feeling, the production defiantly has an 80's feel to it. This is the type of track you would hear at old school r&b club, I imagine everyone would slow dance to it. I love how the track is slowed down to perfection, taking elements from chopped and screwed to classic vaporwave. From the wavey bass line to the amazing percussion, ZMS has outdone himself on this single

Listen to more of ZMS music here https://soundcloud.com/zm-sage_white-gucci 

 Connect with ZMS here https://www.instagram.com/z.m.s.___/



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