[Digiview #1] An interview with VANGOE

Welcome to a new topic on my blog titled "Digiview" this will be a post where I interview one of the many underground artists in the scene, to start this topic we have an artist by the name "VANGOE"
VANGOE is a  Bedroom Pop/ Vaporgaze producer from Virginia, he has a handful of single's released under his belt so far. With his upcoming album "Loser's Landslide" releasing in the coming months the sky's the limit for him.

How's your day going?

My day's going pretty well! Have been getting my music ready for live performances all day :)

Sounds really fun! What type of live performances?

For like a live show or a online stream?

Both! I just got my sp 404 in the mail and I'm mainly getting ready for one of my first live show on 12/10

Although I do throw URL shows as well :)

That's very cool, I have a sp 404 myself and know they are very good for live performances

I've been listening to a lot of your tracks recently and noticed there very atmospheric, do you have a favorite ambient album?

Yes! I love Aphex Twin and definitely feel like selected ambient works 85-92 is my favorite

Also not necessarily an ambient artist, I take a lot of inspiration from ESPRIT's 200% electronics

Some of your tracks are also upbeat and dancey such as "Creepwave 3000" which other styles of music could we hear from you in the future?

Definitely looking to put out more clean and ravey tracks like that one. I have a project coming out this December with more of a jungle / 90's house vibe which is a reflection on my progress within the last two years.

Projects after this one are definitely going to be more hi-fi sampled based, incorporating vapor-adjacent elements

I love how you switch up your styles of music, it makes everyone of your tracks unique

Do you have a favorite piece of gear to use when you're making music?

Yes! My favorite piece of gear has to be my korg minilogue. I've been able to get so many unique sounds off of it

A lot of these sounds will be littered throughout my new releases :)

Awesome,  hardware synth's defiantly have there own unique sound

Definitely! Can't wait to get more hardware in the future

Other then the korg minilogue what is your go to vst plugin?

My two go to plugins are m1 and wavestation, they both have so many unique and lush patches

I noticed you like to wear a mask in photos, where did this distinct fashion style come from?

Well I consider it to be my brand image, something to differentiate myself from others in a way. But as to how I chose it, my friend left the mask in my room and I thought it looked cool lol

That's a really neat story, I can also relate to having a brand image. It makes an individual artist special

Exactly! It's definitely important to have a memorable persona

How would you describe your music to a first time listener?

To a first-time listener, I would describe my music as a window into my emotions. In my sounds I aim to evoke the feelings I have at the time, and hope that each listener recognizes the heart I try to infuse into each track.

That's a great way to explain it! 

What can everyone expect from your new project "Losers Landslide"?

They can expect new yet recognizable vapor sounds pulling from numerous inspirations. Featuring jungle esc breakbeats and filling atmospheres, there's definitely going to be a track for everyone on this release.

Sounds amazing, one final question.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you only could bring 3 music-related items what would they be?

Oh man this is tough

Probably 200% Electronica, St. Francis by Satin Sheets and Six Feet Beneath the Moon from King Krule

Those are great choices!

Thanks for doing the interview 

Thank you for setting up it was a blast :)

Connect with VANGOE here


/Listen to VANGOE here



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