[Digiview #10] An interview with Rift09

Rift09 is a artist from Guatemala that has one of the most unique sounds in the underground scene, he has released over a dozen projects ever since 2021. I had the pleasure to chat with him a few days ago.

Where are you from?

I'm from Guatemala, I've lived here all my life, and I'm still here 

I've always wanted to travel there, heard great things about Guatemala 

Yeah, there are great things, but it's kinda dangerous 

You should visit sometime though

Which DAW do you use to make music with?

Well, I have used FL studio, but because I'm studying music I'm learning other DAWs, mainly Ableton and Logic

That's very cool, I started off using FL studio but now I use Ableton.

Oh, really? Nice

Who was your favorite music artist growing up?

Oooh, man... I don't think I have a single favorite

But I think I might have to go with Michael Jackson since most of my childhood was surrounded by his music

Can you tell our readers the meaning behind B R U H W A V E? I've seen it in your Twitter bio

Oh... So, that's a funny story, it used to mean nothing, like, I made it up because I used to say "bruh" a lot. But now I think it defines my attitude towards music, as much of what I do is distorted, and am always changing styles and trying new things. So, I'd say it's like the style that is defined by experimenting and distorted music, as well as the trademark unfunny humor

Love the meaning behind it, also it's great you like to switch up your style. Keeps everything fresh

Your album "トロピカル・サンセット" gives off tropical vibes, how did you go about producing that project, and what inspired you to create it?

Well, I wanted to create something based around like what surrounds me, and at the time I was listening to a lot of Latin music on the radio, so I wanted to take inspiration from that Latin music and from electronic and vaporwave and kinds combine it all to form that small project

I think that's a very nice approach, combining two of the genres you love together.

Really? I think it's really interesting what you can get from it

Speaking of vaporware, what would be a good vaporwave album you would recommend to someone that has never listened to the genre?


Okay, I mean, there are a lot of subgenres and it depends but I'd recommend maybe Blue Dream by 猫シ Corp or Forgive and forget by begotten, I think that they kinda give you a sense of what people think vaporwave is about, but I'd tell them to explore according to what they like and all that. Because there are just so many styles

What are the best places you would tell tourists to visit in Guatemala?

Oh... Maybe Coban, because there are a lot of interesting places to visit, like natural related, and also Tikal, which has a lot of cultural history. I think that those places are interesting for tourists

Sounds very fun 

Yeah, it is

Do you use a midi keyboard when you create music? If so which one?

Oh, I have one, an Akai mini mk2, but I barely use it, because the range is kinda limited and one-note does not sound, I mean, the keyboard is s little old though

One final question I like to ask everyone I interview If you were stranded on an island which 3 music-related items would you take with you?

Oh my... 
I'd take my saxophone, maybe a tape recorder, and a bunch of cassettes.

Great choices

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to do this interview with me

Yeah, no problem, thank you for being interested in interviewing me.

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