[Single Saturday #14] hellvalleyskytrees- who died and made you king?

For this weeks single Saturday we have a track by hellvalleyskytrees titled "who died and made you king?"

The track starts with distorted and vocoder vocals that will melt your brain, the vocal pitch changes ever so often. This song will ease the anxiety you had throughout the day because it has a very slow and moody sound, the percussion is buried under the mix well and makes the sound atmospheric, there's also a synth lead that carries the song which I enjoyed very much. My favorite part of the track happened halfway through it when hellvallyskytrees transposed her vocals to create a screaming type of vocal, the effects on all the different sounds are on a different level of production, love every second of it. hellvalleyskytrees is in my opinion a fantastic songwriter, her lyrics match the track with ease. The artist did a fantastic job on the mixing end everything blends well, "who died and made you kind?' is very different from most music in the vaporwave scene but that's what  makes hellvalleyskytrees music stand out amongst everyone else

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