[Single Saturday #9] Vindicating Twilight -Lonely (Feat. Isserley)

This week we have a single from Vindicating Twilight titled "Lonely" featuring Isserley

 You will hear Flickers vocals right at the beginning of "Lonely" they are very psychedelic as well as calming to listen to, along with mesmerizing melodies that make you feel like you're floating on a cloud. At the halfway of the track gets noisier and then an industrial beat is introduced, this part caught my attention right away it reminded me of old-school gabber music. The vocals on this are very manipulated until you can't quite understand what the vocalist is saying, which creates a very unique listening experience. The featured artist Isserley part on Lonely is lovely, her part reminds me of this singer's grimes because of the way her voice is so soothing and has great harmony. Like every track vindicating twilight create they always experiment with different sounds, this single has a mix of multiple genres. From the upbeat tempos to the noise-pop vocals "Lonely" has a mix of everything

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