[Single Saturday #13] 80ssitcomdad- seatones


Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far, for this weeks single Saturday we have a single by the artist known as  80ssitcomdad titled "seatones" 

"Seatones" is a mix between different styles of music such as ambient, dream punk, lofi and more. 80ssitcomdad blends all these genres into one and creates a masterpiece effortlessly, from the start of the track you will hear layered drone sounds accompanied by lush ambient noise. Through the duration of your listening experience you may notice how calming but dark this track is, the added effects on seatones are a nice touch as well. You can tell the artist has taken influences from a variety of different types of experimental music but has added there unique sound that you can tell right away that she's created this track just by listening. There's also a guitar sample in "seatones" you can faintly hear in the wall of sound that I enjoyed as well, all in all, this is a beautiful track by the one and only 80ssitcomdad. Don't just give this one track a listen, check out the whole album "Greatest Hits!" It's  80ssitcomdad best work yet!

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