[Digiview #6] An interview with ethernetmind
For this edition of digiview I had to pleasure to sit down with a good friend of mine, ethernetmind, ethernet is an experimental artist that dabbles in many different types of music. What genre would you classify your music in? hmm... that's a really tough question. I condense many different elements from a variety of styles and blend/mutate them in unique ways. people have described it as "slushtech" and "witch tech cyber slush" but it's essentially occult post-vaporwave plunderphonics. I use the term #NUFLSH which entails all of the above and more. That sounds like a very unique way to describe it Yeah, I'm trying to not be easily pinned down. I can relate to that, I know you always push boundaries when it comes to genres. What type of music did you enjoy growing up? I went through every phase pretty much... first music I ever got into was hip-hop as a child. then I got into punk, hardcore, thrash, grindcore, etc. as a teenager. during my punk phase ...